Looking for best relaxation massage spa? Do you need a massage spa near me to get over the hectic week or even month? You are at the right place because we offer the best relaxation massage to provide you the pleasure you are looking for. You are our first priority. Visit our page and contact our customer support team right now to find yourself a reliable relaxation massage spa nearby. Click here https://massagefang.ca/reservation/ to make an online reservation right now or call at +14384083698.
This kind of massage uses a combination of light pressure, long soothing, rhythmic or tapping strokes and kneading. Goal is to make you relax and address the underlying chronic issues of muscles and skin. As the name suggests the relaxation massage is performed for making your body and mind relax. Relaxation massage in our relaxation massage spa will relive stress and muscles adhesion leaving you with a gentle sense of wellbeing. A good relaxation massage can help improve blood circulation and flow. All your muscles, organs and cells and tissues get excess of oxygen and thus function better. Back massage or full body massage is your own choice. It will encourage your body to function properly and this massage can also soothe muscle soreness or sprains. Metabolic byproducts, lactic acid and other wastes accumulated in your body can be eliminated with relaxation massage to make your body and mind relax and promote the body to repair itself. Relaxation massage will leave you with healthier you!
This massage is also a good way to improve your skin and heal minor abrasions. All techniques used in this massage are indented to make you feel relaxed and comfortable. We use light music, soft light with soft touch all combined with best aromatic essential oils to access all your emotions perfectly.
Massage fang offers Relaxation massage spa according to your needs and desire. Relaxation massage prices highly depend on the time taken in message and other facilities like essential oils which contain beneficial ingredients for your skin and healing it faster, light music to calm your mind and lights, full-body massage or only back massage, etc.
Typically 30 min massage would cost $55 and a good 60-90 min massage would cost $70-85 only. Similarly if you want extra massage upto 120 min or more, it will worth $115-155.
Know more about our massage servcie here: https://massagefang.ca/services/